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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

The Lyttelton constitution

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The Lyttelton Constitution.
In 1954, the British secretary for colonies visited Kenya in the wake of the Mau Mau Uprising and made the following constitutional proposals;
a) A multi- racial Council of Ministers to replace the executive council, which would include one African B.A. Ohanga
b) Lifting the ban on African political Associations. This was done in 1955 though only Africans were allowed to form local (district –based) political organizations.
c) Africans were able to take part in elections of 1957. /it proposed multi-racial elections.
d) Proposed direct representation of Africans in the LEGCO. In march 1957, the African elections to the Legco were held and Tom Mboya(Nairobi), Masinde Muliro( Northern Nyanza), Oginga Odinga(Central Nyanza), Lawrence Ogunda(south Nyanza), Ronald Ngala( Coast ), Daniel Arap Moi( Rift Valley), James Miumi(Ukambani) and Bernard Mate (central) were elected.
