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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

The Swynnerton plan and the recommendations of the Swynnerton plan of 1954

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The Swynnerton Plan
Refusing to give more land to the Kikuyu in the reserves, which could have been seen as a concession to Mau Mau, Baring turned instead in 1953 to Roger Swynnerton, Kenya's assistant director of agriculture. The primary goal of the Swynnerton Plan was the creation of family holdings large enough to keep families self-sufficient
in food and to enable them to practice alternate husbandry, which would generate a cash income.
Recommendations of the Swynnerton Plan of 1954.
a) The survey and enclosure of African land in high potential areas.
b) The processing of title deeds and giving out title deeds to the owners. Only progressive African farmers would get title deeds and benefit from the land reforms.
c) A few Africans were allowed to practice new agricultural methods and obtain credit as well as title deeds.
d) A few African s were allowed to practice individual land ownership.
e) A few progressive African farmers were allowed to grow cash crops.
