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 Political Developments and the Struggle for Independence in Kenya (1919-1963)

Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)

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Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)
-KADU was formed in 1960 as an alliance of minority ethnic political groups to protect the rights /interests of the minority groups against possible domination of KANU /majority groups.
-Its senior leaders included Ronald Ngala (president), Masinde Muliro (Vice president), Daniel Arp Moi (chairman), Martin Shikuku
(secretary General) and Justus ole Tipis (treasurer).
-KADU leaders advocated for a federal system while KANU group were advocating for a unitary system of government. In 1962, KADU and KANU formed a coalition government while awaiting the 1963 elections.
-Following the defeat by KANU in the May 1963
elections, it became the major opposition party until 1964 when it was disbanded after persuasions from Jomo Kenyatta.
