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 Form 3 History: European Invasion and the Process of Colonization of Africa

The Maji Maji Rebellion (1905- 1907)

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The Maji Maji Rebellion (1905- 1907).
The Maji Maji Uprising in Tanganyika was the most significant African challenge to German colonial rule in its African colonies. The Uprising lasted two years c over 10,000 square miles.
Tanzania had been acquired largely by Dr. Karl Peters, who signed treaties with the Chiefs of Usagara, Ungula,
Uzigua and Ukami, in 1885. The Rebellion involved the Zaramo, Matumbi, Bena, Ngindo, Pogoro, Bunga, Ngoni, Luguru, Wamwera and Ndendeule.
Causes of the maji maji rebellion.
1. When Germany established its control over Tanganyika by 1898, it imposed a violent regime in order to control the
population. Kings who resisted German occupation were killed.
2. Africans resented the Creation of new system of administration using Akidas and Jumbes who terrorized the people and misused their positions.
3. The African population was also subjected to high taxation by the Germany East Africa Company to
raise revenue for administration.
4. The Africans resented a system of forced labour.
5. The Germans had no respect for African culture in that they misbehaved with Ngindo women. Crimes like rape, fornication and adultery, committed by the Germans were punishable
by death among the Ngindo.
6. Christian missionaries discredited traditional belief and practices e.g. condemning sacred places as places of witchcraft.
