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 Form 2 CRE online lessons on some works and teachings of Jesus

Assurance that Jesus is the messiah to John the Baptist

 (4m 8s)
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Answer Text:
After raising the widow’s son in Nain John’s disciples went and told all what Jesus was doing.
John then send two of his disciples to Jesus to find out if Jesus was the actual messiah or they should expect someone else.
The disciples went and asked Jesus in response to John’s disciples, Jesus performed some miracles, he cured many people of diseases, evil spirits and gave sight to blind. This was a fulfillment of Isiah’s prophecy (Isiah 61:1-2)
-Jesus therefore told John’s disciples to go and report to him what they had seen and heard.
-After the disciples of John had gone, Jesus acknowledged John;
i. As the greatest of all prophets
ii. Portrayed John as the forerunner.
iii. He described him as a man of strong character.
