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 Social, Economic and Political Organisation of Kenyan Societies in the 19th C

Political organization of the borana.
The society was divided into clans comprising related families. There were two moieties (kinships) that were further divided into submoieties. The sub-moieties were further divided into clans. Each moiety was headed by a hereditary leader known as kallu. The kallu of the Sabbo for
example came from the dyallu clan of the karrayyu sub-moiety. he all’s a as the spiritual and political centre of the group. The kallu were not authorized to bear arms or defend themselves but were to move in company of other members of the society. The borana society was divided into clans led by a council of elders. Powers were distributed equally
between the two moieties at all levels such as in the Gada class, age-set and camp councils. The age sets formed the age set council that recruited the warriors. The councils contributed to the development of an effective political organization. The complexity of the borana institutions
strengthened unity among them.

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