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 Form 2 CRE: The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus lessons

Jesus appears to the disciples on the way to Emmaus

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Jesus appears to the disciples on the way to Emmaus
Two of his disciples were on their way to a village named Emmaus. Emmaus was about eleven kilometers or seven miles from Jerusalem.
The disciples were talking about what had happened in Jerusalem.
They were talking about Jesus’ suffering. Like other Jews, the two disciples had not understood clearly the concept of suffering Messiah.
As they were talking, Jesus joined them but they did not recognize him.
Jesus asked them what they were talking about.
One of them who was called Cleopas asked him if he was the only visitor in Jerusalem who did not know things that
had happened.
They told him about what had happened to Jesus of Nazareth.
When they drew near the village, they told Jesus to stay with them for it was towards evening, when he went to stay with them, while at the table, he took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to them and immediately their eyes were opened and recognized him then he vanished from their sight.
