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 Form 2 CRE: The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus lessons

The betrayal and arrest of Jesus (Luke: 22:47-53)

 (3m 57s)
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The betrayal and arrest of Jesus (Luke: 22:47-53)
As Jesus was still speaking to his disciples, telling them to get up and pray, Judas Iscariot appeared in the garden accompanied by a large crowd.
He came near Jesus and kissed him.
This was a way of identifying Jesus to the crowd.
This large crowd included the chief priests, elders and temple guards.
The disciples tried to fight back to defend their master.
One of them (Peter) even struck the slave of the high priest and cut his right ear.
Jesus however stopped them.
He even healed the ear to the enemy that had been slashed.
This was an indication that Jesus was peaceful messiah.
