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 Form 2 CRE: The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus lessons

The resurrection of Jesus

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The resurrection of Jesus
Resurrection means rising from dead. The resurrection of Jesus took place on the third day after burial.
The risen Christ was seen by several people. These are the ones who said to be the witness to Jesus’ resurrection. They include;

Testimony of the holy women ( Luke 24:1-20)
On the third day very early in the morning, the women who had prepared the spices went to the tomb.
They found the stone rolled away from the entrance of the tomb.
They went to check but the tomb was empty.
Then two men with brilliant clothes suddenly appeared at their side.
The men who might have been angels told them not to seek the living among the dead.
They told the women that he had risen.
Luke records that the women were Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James.
Luke says that the women returned from the tomb, they told the eleven and other disciples of Jesus what they had witnessed.
Their message was rejected simply because they were women.
In the Jewish culture, women were as feeble-minded and weak.
It was significant that women were first to witness the risen Christ meaning it was a justification for involving women in church ministries.
Luke does not bring out clearly what had happened to Judas but in the Gospel of Matthew we get the information that Judas hanged himself after
realizing that he had betrayed an innocent man
