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 Form 4 CRE lessons on Christian approach to wealth, poverty and money

Christian response to bribery and corruption

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Christian response to Bribery and Corruption
-One consequence of lack of morality in individual and public life has been the practice of bribery and corruption.These terms are related.
-Corruption is defined as the practice of giving a bribe in the form of money, goods or
privileges in return for a service.
-It is common for corrupt people to receive an inducement so that they can influence certain decisions in favour of the one giving the bribe.
-A bribe can also be given under pressure especially when the victim realizes that even if she or he has a right
to receive the service, she or he will not be served unless something is done to induce the giver.
-The Christian attitude to bribery and corruption is guided by the teachings of the scripture and the social teachings of the church.
The bible condemns the practice as a social evil and
Christians should not get involved in it.
-Among the Jews, bribery and corruption was common and was strongly condemned by the prophets.
-In the New Testament, bribery and corruption are also condemned as social evils.
-John the Baptist cautioned tax collectors to:
“Collect no more than you are authorized” (Luke 3:13)
“To rob no one by violence or by false accusation, and be content with your wages” (Luke 3:14)
-Tax collectors like Zacchaeus were corrupt people. They charged more tax than was required.
-Repentant Christians should behave like Zacchaeus when he accepted Jesus.
-He promised to pay all those he had cheated four times as much (Luke 9:8)
-From these biblical verses, Christians should learn that it is morally wrong to take or give bribes. They should aim at living righteously and upholding their integrity.
-The church has a role to promote justice in society.
-The church is the conscience of society and should therefore be prophetic and speak against corruption and bribery.
-If Christians decide to be on the side of the poor and the suffering and promote kingdom values of love of God and neighbor, then corruption and bribery can be overcome in our society.
-Christians should use good values and life skills in making appropriate and right decisions.
-The Christian values include; love, honesty, reliability, faithfulness, justice or fairness, respect, humility, perseverance or persistence and chastity.
-The life skills are critical thinking, creative thinking, decision-making, self-esteem and assertiveness.
