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 Form 4 CRE lessons on Christian approach to wealth, poverty and money

Negative impacts of introduction of money economy

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Negative impacts of introduction of money economy
-The closely knit traditional social structures were destroyed because of people moving from rural to urban areas in search of employment . Kinship ties were weakened.
-The production of traditional subsistence food
crops declined and were replaced by cash crops. This led to lack of food security and starvation.
-Labour became a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder and it ceased to be done for self-fulfilment and for the common welfare.
-Arable land was alienated from Africans who were initially reduced to squatters,
then wage-labourers in their own land.
-Individual ownership of land was emphasized which could be sold at will.
-The livelihood of indigenous people who lived in forests was destroyed.
-The destruction of the natural environment to create room for building projects, roads and urban centres became rampant.
-An economy motivated by profit and without regard for the poor was created.
-Social evils such as prostitution, theft, bribery, corruption and other crimes increased because of demand for money.
-There was exploitation of the poor by the rich through poor wages and overcharging prices on goods.
-Bride-wealth became commercialized.
-The gap between the rich and the poor widened. Available jobs and investment opportunities are for those with education and money.
-Rural-urban migration increased, with rural areas left with less educated and weaker people who are not economically active.
-Individualism among Africans was created. Communal way of life amongst the people was eroded.
