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Business Studies Form 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2019
Class: Form 1
Subject: Business Studies
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 1 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 1263
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Exam Summary
Business Studies Form 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2019
This file contains questions and the Marking scheme in it. Below is a preview of the questions
Attempt ALL the questions in the spaces provided (100marks)
1. Identify four gaps that may create a business opportunity in a market. (4 marks)
2. Classify the following factors as either micro or macro business environment. (4 marks)
a) Business culture …
b) Tax rates …
c) Employees…
d) Level of competition……
3. State four features of land as a factor of production. (4 marks)
4. Highlight four reasons as to why many organizations are preferring open office layout. (4mks)
5. Highlight four ways in which business studies may be of benefit to an individual. (4Mks)
6. Outline four features of economic resources. (4Mks)
7. Highlight four characteristics of labor as a factor of production. (4Mks)
8. List four sources of business idea. (4Mks)
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