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Form 2 Physics Wave 1 Video Questions and Answers
Give one example of a longitudinal wave.
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Figure 10 shows a displacement-distance graph for a certain wave motion. (i) Indicate on the figure with letters A and B any two points that are in phase. (1 mark) (ii) Determine the :( 1 marks) (I) amplitude of the wave (1 marks) (II) Wavelength of the wave (1 marks) (iii) Given that the frequency of the waves is 50 Hz, determine the: (I) period (1 marks) (II) Speed of the wave
Figure 3 shows a transverse wave. Determine the frequency of the wave.
Figure 3 shows how the displacement of a point varies with time as a wave passes it.
A ship in an ocean sends out an ultra sound whose echo is received after 3 seconds. If the wavelength of the ultra sound in water is 7.5 cm, and the frequency of the transmitter is 20 kHz, determine the depth of the ocean.
State two differences between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves.
a) Figure 12, shows a displacement – time graph for a progressive wave. i).State the amplitude of the wave. (1 mark) ii). Determine the frequency of the waves (4marks) iii) Given that the velocity of the wave is 20m/s, determine its wavelength. (3marks)
Figure 6, shows standing waves on a string. It is drawn to a scale of 1:5 (a) Indicate on the diagram the wavelength of the standing wave. (1 mark) (b) Determine the wavelength of the wave. (1 mark)
The wavelength of a radio wave is 1km. Determine its frequency. (Take the speed of light as 3.0 x 108 m/s) (KCSE 2010 paper 2 question 13.)
Figure 5, shows how the displacement of a point varies with time as a wave passes it. On the same diagram, draw a wave which passes the point with half the amplitude and twice the frequency of the one shown.
Figure 2 shows how the displacement varies with time for a certain wave. Determine the frequency of the wave.
Figure 4 shows a hack-saw blade clamped horizontally on a bench and the free end is made to vibrate about the rest position.
Figure 4 shows the displacement-time graph for a certain wave.
A long coil is attached to a vibrating blade as shown in Figure 3 State the type of mechanical wave generated by the set-up and mark alongside the coil, the length corresponding to the wavelength, of the wave.
Figure 15 shows an arrow which indicates the direction of travel of a wave in a medium .P is a particle of the medium that is in path of the wave. In the space provided sketch diagram to show how the particle P moves when the wave is i).A transverse wave. ii).A longitudinal wave.(1mark)
Figure 10 represents a transverse wave of frequency 5 Hz traveling in the x direction. Determine the speed of the wave.
Figure 5 shows the displacement time graph of a wave travelling at 200cm/s. Determine for the wave, the i).Amplitude (1mark). ii).Period (1mark). iii).Frequency (3marks) iv).Wavelength (2 marks).
The audible frequency range for a certain person is 30Hz and 16,500Hz. Determine the largest wavelength of sound in the air the person can detect. (Speed of sound in air =330m/s)
Give one example of a longitudinal wave.
i).What is the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves?.(1mark). ii).State two distinctions between the way sound waves and electromagnetic waves are transmitted.(2marks).
Calculate the wavelength of the KBC FM radio wave transmitted at a frequency of 95.6 Mega Hertz.
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