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Form 2 Physics Sound Questions and Answers
State one use of echoes
(1m 4s)
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Echoes determine the depth seas and oceans.
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An observer watching a fireworks display sees the light from an explosion and hears the sound 2 seconds later. How far is the observer from the explosion?
A girl standing 600m away from away from a cliff bangs two pieces of wood and hears an echo 3.5seconds later. Determine the speed of sound at that place.
A mine-worker stands between two vertical cliffs 400m from the nearest cliff. The cliffs are x distance apart. Every time he strikes the rock once, he hears two echoes; the first one after 2.5 seconds, while the second follows 2 seconds later. From this information, calculate i).The speed of the sound in air. ii).The value of x.
A soldier standing some distance from a wall, blows a whistle and hears its echo 1.8 seconds later. How far is the wall from the soldier? (Speed of sound in air is 330m/s).
A gun is fired and an echo heard at the same place 0.5s later. How far is the barrier, which reflected the sound from the gun? (Speed of sound 330m/s).
A man, standing between 2 parallel vertical walls, claps his hands. He hears the first echo 0.3 seconds later and the next echo after a further 0.2 seconds. If the velocity of sound in air is 300m/s. Calculate the distance between the walls.
a).Explain how the following affect the velocity of sound in air. (i) Wind (ii) Temperature (iii) Humidity b) A girl standing in a gorge between two cliffs claps her hands at a steady rate ad hears two echoes. The first eco comes after 2 seconds and the other after 3 seconds. If the speed of sound is 340m/s, what is the distance between the cliffs?
A girl standing 200m from the foot of a high wall claps her hands and the echo reaches her 1.16 seconds later. Calculate the velocity of sound in air using this observation.
A student stands at a distance 400m from a wall and claps two pieces of wood. After the first clap the student claps whenever an echo is heard from the wall. Another student starts a stopwatch at the first clap and stops it after the twentieth clap. The stopwatch records a time of 50 seconds. Find the speed of sound.
State two factors that determine speed of sound in air.
What is an echo?
The human ear can distinguish two sounds as separate only if they reach it at 0.1 seconds apart. How far from a wall must an observer be in order to hear an echo when he shouts? (Speed of sound in air 330m/s)
State one use of echoes
Explain why the walls of studio are padded with woolen materials.
A boy standing in front of a cliff blows a whistle and hears the echo after 0.5s. He then moves 17m further away from the cliff and blows the whistle again. He now hears the echo after 0.6s.Determine the speed of the sound.
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