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 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Revision Questions and Answers Set 3

Discuss the role of women in the struggle for independence in Kenya.

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Answer Text:
-During the colonial period, Mekatilili wa Menza of the Agiriama led a rebellion against the missionaries and the British.
-Other women who opposed colonial invasion included Syotune wa Kathuka from Ukambani. Moraa who
incited Otenyo, a Kisii warrior, to spear General North Cote in 1908.
-When Harry Thuku formed the East African Association in 1922, African women gave him a lot of support.
-When Thuku was arrested, Mercy Muthoni challenged men to free Thuku.
-Women provided food to freedom fighters for
example, to the Mau Mau in the 1950s and Dini ya Msambwa during the anti-colonial struggle.
-Some joined the armed struggle as fighters for example, Field Marshall Muthoni who joined the Mau Mau.
